Don’t Let Best Be the Enemy of Good

Here is a short post from Erin to keep you motivated!

Don’t let best be the enemy of good.

I came across this saying recently and it was a great reminder that achieving a goal does not require perfection at every step.

There may be days when you cannot complete a full 50-minute workout (best), but if you complete a 10-minute workout (good), you will get closer to your fitness goals than if you did not exercise at all.  You will not only get 10 minutes of physical activity, but you will also get the pride of knowing you made the effort on a very busy day.

This also goes for skipping a workout because you don’t feel like you have 100% in the tank. These days are what we call “the 80%,” because only about 20% of your workouts are going to be PR-filled world-beating sessions. It’s important to accumulate these 80% workouts over time in order to build the strength, versatility, and resilience that allow those 20% days to occur. Having a tough day and feel like you can’t give 100%? Give 60%, or 40%, or even 5%. Remember, half-assing it is better than having no ass at all.

This principle can be applied within each workout session as well.  Maybe you are trying to increase how many push ups you can do and last week you did 20 so you want to get 21 (best) this week, but end up getting 18 (good).  Those 18 pushups are still awesome and are probably more than you could do when you first started!  Celebrate them for the win that they are.

Achieving goals almost never happens in a perfectly straight line.  Keep in mind that any progress, even if it is not exactly what you were hoping for, is still an accomplishment.