A Body in Motion

A body in motion tends to stay in motion (at least that’s what they say).

Today, we have another guest post from Coach Erin. Enjoy!

Yes, this is the Law of Inertia, but it is also a good phrase to think about when trying to get some daily movement.  There are many ways to sneak in some motion without too much effort.

Park in the back of the parking lot for some extra steps.

You won’t have to worry about feuding with someone over the closest spot and it is also less likely someone will hit your car with either their car door or their shopping cart.

Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator.

The stairs are almost always less crowded, so maybe you’ll get some brief meditation time in the quieter atmosphere.

Pace back and forth when on the phone.

If you are on the phone with an impolite customer service representative, you can channel that frustrated energy into walking at a faster pace for some Zone 2 cardio.

Do some stretching while watching your favorite TV show or streaming series.

If you watch TV before bed, these stretches may help you unwind for a better night of sleep.