From Fiscal to Physical

Hi Everyone, Erin here!  With my two-year anniversary as a member of Josh Mavilia Fitness approaching, I’ve started reflecting on my journey both as a member and, more recently, as a coach.  Here are a few things I’ve learned along the way:

Gym math is hard!  

In my previous accounting roles, math meant Excel formulas and reviewing financial reports.  At the gym, math means knowing what 135 pounds looks like on a barbell or what kettlebell color is similar in weight to a 17-pound powerblock.  

Don’t underestimate yourself.

Before becoming a member of JMF, I had only completed at-home strength workouts using a ten-pound dumbbell as my heaviest weight.  I never thought I’d be able to use a 15-pound dumbbell for anything.  Yet, two years later, I’m using the 30-pound dumbbells for some exercises.  That’s double what I originally thought was unattainable!

Give yourself time to learn.

As a member, there have been many exercises that I’ve needed to practice several or sometimes dozens of times over multiple sessions to learn the proper coordination.  It took me a while to get the timing down for the push press, but once I got it, it was so exciting!  As a coach, I am continuously learning the best cues to give or, more importantly, how to not fall off the bench when demonstrating the bird dog row.

Great things happen when you step outside of your comfort zone.

To say I was extremely nervous when starting my role as a coach would be an understatement.  As a former accountant, I was used to working alone, hiding behind a computer, and communicating almost exclusively via e-mail.  I would even pretend my camera wasn’t working during Zoom meetings so I wouldn’t have to turn on my video.  Now, I was going to be front and center demonstrating exercises, and, in a way, giving mini presentations multiple times to multiple people for multiple hours.  But, I am so glad I found the courage to face my fears, because this has been the most rewarding job and career I have had to date!